Layout algorithm

This page describes demesdraw implementation details that affect the layout of tubes plots. The tubes() function attempts to construct a visually-appealing layout that clearly depicts how demes, and their relationships, change over time. The key features in a Demes model are population sizes, ancestor/descendant relationships, periods of continuous migration, and instantaneous pulses of migration. A concerted effort is made to produce a layout that makes each of these features visible, for arbitrarily complex input models.

Infinite start times

In any Demes model, there must be at least one deme with an infinite start_time. Clearly, drawing infinitely long lines is not practical. However, there is only a finite period of time in which demes and their relationships change, which applies from the present until time \(t\) in the past. Before time \(t\), demes and their relationships are fixed. To draw a model, demesdraw first identifies the time, \(t\), and then uses a fixed amount of vertical space to draw the time interval that stretches towards infinity. The proportion of the time axis that is used for times > \(t\) can be configured via the inf_ratio parameter. For the model below, \(t=100\).

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model1 = demes.loads(
time_units: generations
    start_size: 500
  - name: A
  - name: B
    start_time: 100
    ancestors: [A]
  - name: C
    start_time: 50
    ancestors: [B]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, constrained_layout=True)
demesdraw.tubes(model1, inf_ratio=0.2, ax=axs[0])
demesdraw.tubes(model1, inf_ratio=0.5, ax=axs[1])
axs[0].set_title("inf_ratio=0.2 (default)")

Deme positions

The vertical axis in tubes plots has a single interpretation as the time axis. In contrast, the horizontal axis has a dual purpose:

  • it provides space to plot distinct demes side-by-side, and,

  • the horizontal extent of each deme (its width) indicates its population size.

The positions parameter can be used to set the horizontal midpoint of each deme.

positions = dict(A=0, B=1000, C=2000)
demesdraw.tubes(model1, positions=positions, scale_bar=True);

However if the width of the demes are not taken into account when choosing positions, the resulting figure may look strange.

positions = dict(A=0, B=200, C=400)
demesdraw.tubes(model1, positions=positions, scale_bar=True);

Blank space

While the width of tubes provides information about population sizes, the relative position of distinct demes has no meaningful interpretation. But the amount of blank space between demes can be important for producing an aesthetically pleasing figure. Compare the two plots below.

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def island_model(n):
    b = demes.Builder(defaults=dict(epoch=dict(start_size=500)))
    for j in range(n):
        if j > 0:
            b.add_migration(demes=[f"d{j - 1}", f"d{j}"], rate=1e-5)
    graph = b.resolve()
    return graph
im3 = island_model(3)
w = 500 + 50  # deme size + 50
positions50 = { j*w for j, deme in enumerate(im3.demes)}
demesdraw.tubes(im3, positions=positions50, scale_bar=True);

w = 500 + 500  # deme size + 500
positions500 = { j*w for j, deme in enumerate(im3.demes)}
demesdraw.tubes(im3, positions=positions500, scale_bar=True);

Finding a good separation distance is dependent on the number of demes and their sizes. To avoid having to find a good separation distance by trial and error, demesdraw uses a heuristic which looks reasonable in most cases.

for n in (3,8,12):
    im = island_model(n)
    w = demesdraw.utils.separation_heuristic(im)
    positions = { j*w for j, deme in enumerate(im.demes)}
    demesdraw.tubes(im, positions=positions)

The equation used by the utils.separation_heuristic() function is

\[ (1 + 0.5 * \log(c)) * \max(size), \]

where \(c\) is the maximum number of demes that coexist at any given time, and \(\max(size)\) is the maximum deme size in the model.

Left-to-right ordering of demes

For a variety of models, a simple ordering of demes along the horizontal axis doesn’t produce a good layout. In the model below, the line indicating the ancestor/descendant relationship between A and C crosses the deme B.

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model2 = demes.loads(
time_units: generations
    start_size: 500
  - name: A
  - name: B
    start_time: 100
    ancestors: [A]
  - name: C
    start_time: 50
    ancestors: [A]
w = demesdraw.utils.separation_heuristic(model2)
positions = { j*w for j, deme in enumerate(model2.demes)}
demesdraw.tubes(model2, positions=positions);

For this particular model, we could just draw deme C on the left of deme A. However, the best choice is not always so obvious. We note that it is not possible, in general, to avoid lines from crossing other demes and/or lines. For example, the well-known utility graph is “non-planar”—i.e. there is no way to draw the graph without having lines cross.

utility_graph = demes.load("../examples/utility_graph.yaml")

While it may not be possible to prevent lines from crossing, it certainly is possible to limit the number of crossings. Lets consider a more complex example with a naive left-to-right ordering.

model3 = demes.load("../examples/reticulate.yaml")
w = demesdraw.utils.separation_heuristic(model3)
positions = { j*w for j, deme in enumerate(model3.demes)}
demesdraw.tubes(model3, positions=positions, log_time=True);

What we would like, is to use a left-to-right ordering that minimizes the number of lines crossing.

positions = demesdraw.utils.minimal_crossing_positions(
    model3, sep=w, unique_interactions=False
demesdraw.tubes(model3, positions=positions, log_time=True);

The utils.minimal_crossing_positions() function is not perfect. Actually, the problem of finding the minimum number of crossings is NP-hard. But if we propose an ordering, it is quite simple to count how many lines will cross. E.g. if there is a line from A to B at time t, then any deme C that exists at time t, and is ordered between A and B, will have a line drawn over it. From this, we make two observations:

  • when the number of demes in a graph, \(n\), is small, it’s reasonable to do a brute force check of all \(n!\) possible orderings to identify the optimal ordering,

  • when \(n\) is large, we can obtain a “good” ordering, by proposing a large number of random orderings and using the best that is observed.

It turns out that it’s straightforward to use numpy to vectorize the computation of counting line crossing on a set of proposed orderings. By default, utils.minimal_crossing_positions() enumerates all orderings if \(n!\) < 1 million, i.e. if there are 9 or fewer demes. For 10 or more demes, 1 million random orderings are proposed to identify a good ordering.

Optimising positions

Given an ordering for the demes, the positions could yet be improved by using less horizontal space. In particular, when two demes do not coexist, it may be possible to place them on top of each other (e.g. in the utility graph, deme A can be placed above deme X). More generally, we would like for demes that are more closely related to be placed closer together. To a large extent, this property arises already by choosing an ordering that minimises line crossings, but we can do better. The code below shows how tubes() obtains positions when none are specified.

positions1 = demesdraw.utils.minimal_crossing_positions(
    model3, sep=w, unique_interactions=False
positions2 = demesdraw.utils.optimise_positions(
    model3, positions=positions1, sep=w, unique_interactions=False,
demesdraw.tubes(model3, positions=positions2, log_time=True);

The utils.optimise_positions() function minimises the squared distances

  • from each parent deme to the mean positions of its children

  • and between interacting demes (where interactions are either continuous periods of migration or instantaneous migration pulses).

Subject to the constraints that contemporaneous demes

  • are ordered like in the input positions,

  • and have a minimum separation distance.

This is a quadratic programming optimisation problem: least-squares minimisation with linear inequality constraints. In demesdraw, we perform this optimisation with scipy.optimize.minimize() using the “trust-constr” method.